
My Website As I take a look back on everything that I did for this class this semester, I felt like I stayed after class to work on my own thing, and I loved the outcome of everything I ended up creating. In class, I tried to keep my art that I created around the disc golf business I envisioned in my head one day. So, I placed all of that in one of my tabs for my website. I had a bunch of cool things I created during that class period and after, so I had to incorporate it in my final. If it weren't for me having this class, and being in the mac lab, I would not have been able to do any of that. I am proud of my work, and I hope others like what I make, because it takes a lot of time to create some of these art pieces. 

iPad work

  Here is all my iPad work that have been working on. The car is an app that you can look up car parts. The eyeball is an app where you can order glasses and contacts. I forgot how cool working on the iPad was and I think it was so easy to jump back into working with the iPads. 

Myles Center paragraph

 I really enjoyed the whole show that was going on for the myles center. I never go to things like that while I'm here on campus, because they are normally so repetitive and boring. I cannot say that with the one with the myles center. I enjoyed listening to the people talk, because they all had some sort of story to tell, along with valuable stories that people can learn from. It also made my day that you wanted me to be there, and when I saw my name in the program, it made it even better. I had so much fun showing people my work and the look on their faces when they saw the way I used programs really made me feel special. Also bonus points for the free tee-shirt, I thought it was very nice. 

Website Design

  Once I got the hang of dreamweaver, everything was so easy to navigate and pretty fun to do. I hope I can use this app in the future to create my own website one day! Coding might be one of the hardest things I have done in one of these classes.  Here was the final day of dreamweaver! It was a lot of work for dreamweaver and at the end of the day, this is not my cup of tea. I understand that I will have to know this stuff, but its challenging. I hope that one day I find the love for doing coding but as of today, it is not fun for me.  

Adobe XD

I Thought that adobe XD was pretty cool to use for the first time. It was challenging but for the most part, but I think I will be revisiting it here in the future to work on a lot of cool app designs and or a website. I think with at little more practice, this app will be one of my most used. 


Image I chose a simple infographic to do. This would be perfect inside of a business class or marketing design so they get a reminder of the colors that they can utilize and the way those colors make people feel 

Post Card Design

Front Back This was the first time I have used InDesign, it was pretty neat and I liked the program, I cannot wait to use it again.