Face Swap- Shawn Tarr


Here I was able to use photoshop to be able to switch me and my friend Noah face! I put my face on a picture of Noahs hair and shoulders. I was really pleased on how this turned out but if me and Noah had a kid, man that child would be ugly lol. I am really glad I do not have Noahs hair because I feel I would look weird. I do like that I have now learned how to use photoshop a little bit better now that I can blend pictures together so they do not appear to be as Photoshopped. 


  1. This is really cool. It almost looks like an album's cover art lol

  2. The colors are pretty cool in this piece and you did a well job of fitting Noah's face on your picture. Looks pretty natural

  3. This looks good it doesn't even look like its someone else face on a different body. And I like the colors you added to the pictures.


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